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HMO, PPO, EPO or POS? Choosing a managed care option

There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re shopping for individual health insurance coverage – from premiums to deductibles to on-exchange and off-exchange and ACA-compliant (or not). If you’re shopping in the individual health insurance market, you’ll definitely be making a choice of metal tier.

And – regardless of where you shop – you’re going to end up making a decision about a type of managed care that works best for your situation. As you’re selecting a health plan – whether it’s ACA-compliant or not – you’ll notice that the plans are labeled as either an HMO, PPO, EPO, or POS.

These acronyms stand for Health Maintenance Organization, Preferred Provider Organization, Exclusive Provider Organization, and Point of Service. They are categories of managed care, which is how virtually all modern health insurance is organized.

(The alternative is an indemnity plan, which doesn’t have a provider network. Indemnity plans are almost unheard of in today’s major medical health insurance market.)

Why do health plans have managed care designations?

Managed care is a medical delivery system that attempts to manage the quality and cost of medical services that individuals receive. Each type of managed care limits, to varying degrees,

Indemnity plans – popular before the advent of modern managed care plans – have been largely replaced by managed care plans over the last several decades, and the vast majority of privately insured Americans are in some form of managed care plan.

Even in the Medicaid and Medicare systems, managed care is playing an increasingly large role: More than two-thirds of the Americans enrolled in Medicaid were covered under private Medicaid managed care plans as of 2019. And more than 45% of Medicare beneficiaries were enrolled in private Medicare Advantage plans as of early 2022 – a percentage that has been steadily growing over the past decade.

What’s the difference between an HMO, PPO, EPO, and POS plan?

To a large degree, the differences involve access to providers. All HMO, PPO, EPO, and POS plans have networks of medical providers (doctors, hospitals, etc.) that have a contract with the health plan in which the carrier agrees to accept a negotiated price for the services they offer. Some plans will only pay for non-emergency care if you receive care from an in-network provider, while other plans may cover some of the bill if you see an out-of-network provider.

You’ll often see simple comparison charts that show the “rules” for the different types of managed care. In a nutshell, they’ll generally say that HMOs and POS plans require a referral from a primary care doctor in order to see a specialist, while PPOs and EPOs do not, and that PPOs and POS plans cover out-of-network care, while HMOs and EPOs do not. They will also often tend to say that HMOs have lower premiums, lower deductibles, and smaller provider networks, while PPOs have higher premiums, higher deductibles, and broader networks.

In reality, the lines tend to be more blurry, and these types of plan management have evolved over time. For example, this POS plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina does not require a referral to see a specialist. Neither does this HMO from Friday Health plans. And while it’s often true that employer-sponsored HMOs tend to have lower deductibles and premiums and potentially smaller networks, that does not hold true in the individual/family (self-purchased) market.

It is generally true, however, that EPO and HMO plans will not cover out-of-network care unless it’s an emergency, while PPO and POS plans will provide some out-of-network coverage. But the out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care will typically be substantially higher than the out-of-pocket costs for in-network care. For example, that POS plan from Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC has an in-network deductible of $8,700 for a single individual, but an out-of-network deductible of $43,500. And this PPO, offered by Ambetter in Oklahoma, has an in-network deductible of $8,600, but an out-of-network deductible of $20,000.

So although PPO and POS plans do generally “cover” out-of-network care, you might find that you only get a benefit from that if your out-of-network costs are particularly high. And it’s also common to see that plans with out-of-network coverage do not put any cap on total out-of-pocket costs for out-of-network care.

(The ACA requires health plans to cap out-of-pocket costs for essential health benefits obtained from an in-network provider – the cap is $8,700 this year – but there are no limits on how high out-of-network costs can be, even if the plan provides out-of-network coverage.)

Plans with lower deductibles are certainly available, although their premium costs are generally higher. But they will still tend to have much higher out-of-network deductibles. For example, this Medica PPO has an in-network deductible of just $750. But the out-of-network deductible is $9,900, and again, there is no cap on how high out-of-pocket costs can be for care received outside the plan’s provider network.

Should you consider managed care designation?

When you’re shopping for a health insurance plan – either through the health insurance marketplace or off-exchange – there are many factors to keep in mind. (This is also true if you’re selecting from among options offered by your employer, although there are likely to be far fewer choices in that case.) We’ve covered some of them here, and also have a detailed summary of things to keep in mind when deciding which metal level is right for you.

So should the HMO, PPO, EPO, or POS designation matter when you’re selecting a plan? Maybe, but it’ll depend on the specifics of the plans that are available to you and the coverage details that are important to you.

In general, you’ll want to have a general understanding of the different types of managed care, and understand whether your choice will include any coverage for out-of-network care (that’s generally only available on PPOs and POS plans). And you’ll want to make sure you understand whether your health plan will require referrals from a primary care provider. But as described below, there are several points to keep in mind as you’re comparing plans.

Availability of managed care options varies by location

First, it’s important to note that the availability of the various managed care options differs quite a bit from one area to another. In general, when we look at individual/family plans available through the marketplace, POS plans are very rare, and PPO plans are much less common than HMOs and EPOs.

But in some areas (Wyoming and Alaska are examples), all of the available plans are PPOs. In other areas, the only available plans are HMOs and EPOs, meaning that there are no options that provide coverage for out-of-network care.

To give you an idea of how this varies from one area to another in the marketplace, there are, as of 2022:

  • 129 HMOs and 5 PPOs available in Chicago
  • Only HMOs available in Atlanta
  • 127 EPOs and 66 HMOs available in Orlando
  • 84 EPOs and 80 HMOs available in Dallas
  • 3 HMOs and 24 PPOs available in Billings, Montana
  • 65 HMOs, 3 PPOs, and 10 POS plans available in Raleigh, North Carolina
  • 15 EPOs and 6 PPOs available in Birmingham, Alabama
  • 24 HMOs and 40 PPOs available in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • 10 HMOs, 33 PPOs, and 33 EPOs available in Minneapolis
  • 25 HMOs, 5 EPOs, and 10 PPOs available in Los Angeles

So where you live will determine which types of managed care plans are available to you. Once you know what’s available, you can certainly take the managed care designs into consideration.

Four managed care considerations

But there are several factors to keep in mind:

1. Make sure you understand your plan’s coverage of out-of-network care

Although a PPO or POS plan will “cover” out-of-network care, it’s important to understand how that works. Be aware of the deductible (which is likely to be quite high) and the out-of-pocket exposure (which could be unlimited).

Also be aware of the fact that an out-of-network provider can and will balance bill you unless it’s an emergency or an out-of-network provider working at an in-network facility. (Here’s how the No Surprises Act protects consumers from surprise balance bills in those situations).

This means that although your health plan may pay for some of the service (assuming you’ve met the out-of-network cost-sharing requirements), the provider can bill you for the portion of their charges that were above the amount the health plan paid.

2. Narrowness of networks varies

All four types of managed care plans can have broad, narrow, or mid-size provider networks. Don’t assume anything. Instead, you’ll want to actively compare the provider networks of each plan you’re considering, to see whether your specific providers are in-network.

If you don’t currently have any providers, it’s a good idea to see whether each plan you’re considering has in-network hospitals and medical offices that would be convenient if you ended up needing medical care.

3. Managed care is different in the individual market

Individual/family plans aren’t the same as employer-sponsored plans, and that includes the provider networks and managed care rules. You may have had an employer-sponsored plan offered or administered by a particular insurer, but don’t assume that individual/family plans from that insurer will have the same provider network or managed care rules (for example, whether or not a referral is required).

4. Referral requirements vary

Although you may have heard that HMOs and POS plans require a referral from a primary care physician in order to see a specialist, that’s not necessarily true. Again, you’ll need to check the specifics of the plans you’re considering. (And there are pros and cons to referral requirements. On one hand, they mean an additional office visit, which adds to your costs. But on the other hand, your PCP can help to ensure that you’re seeing the correct specialist, and can coordinate the care you receive from multiple specialists.)

Referrals are sometimes confused with prior authorizations (pre-authorizations), but those are two different concepts. A referral comes from a primary care physician, whereas prior authorization has to be obtained from the health plan itself. Health plans can set their own rules in terms of which services require prior authorization. All four types of managed care plans — HMOs, PPOs, EPOs, and POS plans — can and do require prior authorization for various services. But there’s a lot of variation from one plan to another in terms of what services need prior authorization.

So it’s important to understand your plan’s rules, and to ensure that your doctor has your health plan information so that they can submit prior authorization requests on your behalf. And if in doubt, it’s best to contact your health plan before a particular service is scheduled, to make sure you know whether prior authorization is necessary, and if so, whether it has been granted.

An HSA is not a type of managed care

If you’ve read this far, you may be wondering why a health savings account (HSA) isn’t listed here. It’s common to see comparison charts that include PPO, EPO, HMO, POS, and HSA (Health Savings Account). That leads many consumers to assume that the HSA acronym is a form of managed care – but it’s not.

HSA-qualified high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) allow enrollees to contribute pre-tax money to an HSA (you cannot contribute to an HSA unless you have active coverage under an HDHP). And HDHPs must conform to specific IRS rules. The IRS sets minimum deductibles and maximum out-of-pocket limits (which are lower than the maximum out-of-pocket limits that HHS sets for other plans), and limits the services that the plan can pay for before the deductible is met.

However, HDHPs can be PPOs, EPOs, HMOs, or POS plans. So this is an “and” scenario, rather than an “or” scenario. An HDHP will also be either a PPO, HMO, EPO, or POS plan.

The HDHP designation means that the plan conforms to the IRS rules for HSA-qualified plans. And the HMO, PPO, EPO, or POS designation describes the plan’s approach to managed care.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about your managed care options

As always, you can turn to a broker or navigator if you need assistance with the process of comparing health plans and picking the one that will best meet your needs. Depending on when you’re applying for coverage, our guide to open enrollment and our guide to special enrollment periods will answer many of your questions.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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Silver, Bronze, or Gold? Choosing a metal level in the marketplace

When shopping for a health plan in the ACA marketplace, it’s important to recognize that while Bronze, Gold and Platinum plans have the same value no matter who is shopping, the value of Silver plans varies with income. Accordingly, the metal level that will best suit your needs is also likely to vary with income.

A lot of factors may affect your choice of metal level – your health, locality (offerings and premiums vary a lot by state and even zip code) and risk tolerance among them. But very generally speaking, Silver is almost always the best choice at low incomes, while discounted Bronze or Gold plans often make sense at higher incomes. Below, we’ll examine how income affects choice at different levels, as well as why Bronze and Gold plans are discounted to varying degrees in the current marketplace.

At first glance, the metal level system looks simple. It’s based on actuarial value (AV), which is the percentage of a standard population’s total costs that a plan is designed to cover, according to a formula provided by the federal government. Bronze plans have an AV of roughly 60%, Silver 70%, Gold 80%, and Platinum 90%.

But a subsidy called cost-sharing reduction (CSR) is available at low incomes, and only with Silver plans. CSR raises the AV of a Silver plan to 94% at incomes up to 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (currently $19,320 per year for an individual, $39,750 for a family of four), and to 87% at incomes in the 150-200% FPL range ($25,760 for an individual, $53,000 for a family of four). CSR fades to near insignificance at the 200-250% FPL level, and is not available at incomes over 250% FPL.

At low incomes, Silver is almost always the right choice

The American Rescue Plan, which lowered premium subsidies at all income levels through 2022, made a benchmark Silver plan (the second cheapest Silver plan) free at incomes up to 150% FPL. That makes it almost inconceivable that another metal level makes sense for an enrollee with an income below this threshold. (There’s a good chance that Congress will extend the enhanced subsidies beyond 2022, but it’s not a sure thing.)

Boosted by the highest level of CSR, Silver plans at this income level have deductibles averaging about $160 and an annual out-of-pocket (OOP) max of about $1,200. Bronze plans have deductibles averaging over $7,000 and OOP maxes ranging from about $7,000 to the highest allowable, $8,700. Gold plan deductibles average $1,600, and Gold OOP maxes are usually above $5,000.

At an income in the 150-200% FPL range, Silver plans still usually make the most sense. A benchmark Silver plan in this income range costs 0-2% of income, topping out at $43/month for a single individual. Deductibles at this second level of CSR average about $660 and OOP maxes about $2,600.

Bronze plans are generally available for free at this income level – but their deductibles average ten times as high as those of Silver plans in this income bracket and their OOP maxes are about triple.

Gold plans in some states and regions cost less than Silver plans (more on that below), and in this 150-200% FPL bracket, they too may sometimes be free. But they have a lower actuarial value than Silver plans in this bracket (80% AV, compared to 87% for Silver with CSR), and their OOP maxes are usually at least twice as high as the highest allowable for Silver.

A Gold plan could sometimes make sense for a buyer in this income bracket – for example, if it costs less than a Silver plan from the same insurer, and that insurer has a good provider network. But Silver is almost always the right choice at incomes up to 200% FPL.

At higher incomes, the field tilts toward Bronze and Gold

At incomes where CSR is unavailable (or negligible, as at 200-250% FPL), you might think that plans are priced proportionately to their actuarial value (again, 60% for Bronze, 70% for Silver, 80% for Gold). And they used to be, before President Trump changed the calculus.

During the Obama years, when the ACA marketplace first launched, the federal government reimbursed insurers directly for the cost of providing CSR, and Silver plans were priced as if CSR did not exist. The ACA statute says that insurers must be reimbursed this way, but the Republican Congress refused to fund the reimbursement, and in October 2017, Trump (obeying a court order that had been stayed, pending appeal) cut the direct payments off. State regulators, expecting this move, mostly allowed or encouraged insurers to price CSR directly into Silver plans only, a practice that came to be known as Silver loading.

That created discounts in Bronze and Gold plans. Remember, premium subsidies are set so that you pay a fixed percentage of income for a benchmark Silver plan. When Silver premiums go up, so do premium subsidies. Since Bronze and Gold premiums are not inflated by the value of CSR, they become cheaper for people who receive premium subsidies.

Trump’s move had been expected, and analysts forecasting the likely effects (including the Congressional Budget Office) expected that Gold plans would be consistently priced below Silver. A majority of marketplace enrollees, and a large majority of Silver plan enrollees, have incomes below 200% FPL, and so get Silver with AV of 94% or 87%. On average, then, Silver plan AV is well above Gold’s 80%. It should be priced above Gold.

But Silver loading stopped halfway. Competitive pressures led insurers in many markets to underprice Silver, since most enrollees have incomes below 200% FPL, and the lowest-cost Silver plans are the most popular. Discounts generated by Silver loading have been partial and haphazard. But they exist to some degree in every market. Generally, if you buy a Silver plan and you have an income where CSR is weak or not available, you’re paying for CSR that you don’t get

Choices where Gold plans are available below Benchmark

In some states, a monopoly insurer or dominant insurer has priced Gold plans below – sometimes well below – the Silver benchmark. This also happens in scattered regions of other states. In a few states, regulators have required insurers more or less directly to price Silver in a way that reflects the value of CSR, ensuring that Gold plans will be available at a premium below the Silver benchmark, and that Bronze plans will be heavily discounted. States that shape their markets in this way include Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Mexico and, starting in 2023, Texas.

Let’s look at how choices shape up in some of these markets. It’s worth noting that while deductibles in the ACA marketplace tend to be high at incomes above 200% FPL, Silver and Gold plans often exempt many services – including doctor visits – from the deductible. Bronze plans sometimes do this too, though in a more limited fashion. Also worth noting: there’s often a tradeoff between the deductible and the annual out-of-pocket (OOP) maximum that enrollees can be charged for in-network services.

In each case below, we’ll look at pricing for a single 47 year-old (the median adult marketplace age) with an income of $33,000 – too high to qualify for CSR. At that income, a benchmark Silver plan costs $117 per month – everywhere.


In Pennsylvania, insurers are directed to price their Silver plans slightly above the cost of a Gold plan with the same provider network.*

In Pittsburgh, for a single 47 year-old with an income of $33,000/year (a bit over 250% FPL), the cheapest plan at each metal level is offered by UPMC, the area’s dominant integrated insurer/hospital system. The cheapest Silver plan costs $95 per month, well below the benchmark ($117/month). The lowest-cost Gold plan is priced much lower, at $52/month. Remember, its actuarial value is 80%, compared to Silver’s 70%. The Gold plan deductible is $3,100, versus $4,500 for the Silver plan. The Gold plan’s annual out-of-pocket maximum is much lower than the Silver plan’s: $4,500 vs. $8,700.

There’s a catch, though: this low-cost Gold plan is designed so that an enrollee would be allowed to contribute to a health savings account (HSA). This means it’s subject to a set of rules that forbid any services to be provided that are not subject to the deductible, with the exception of the free preventive services mandated for all plans by the ACA. For some enrollees, this could be a drawback. But for those who want to be able to make pre-tax contributions to an HSA, the availability of a low-cost HSA-qualified plan will be a boon.

A Highmark Gold plan, for $88 a month, has a $0 deductible but an OOP max of $7,500. The cheapest Bronze plan is effectively free, with a deductible of $6,700 and an OOP max of $8,700.

These choices are complex, no getting around it. But Gold options clearly trump the Silver. Free Bronze might make sense for some – if they can cover several thousand dollars in unexpected expenses in the event of an unforeseen accident or illness.


In Baltimore, Kaiser Permanente – also an integrated insurer-provider system — offers the lowest-cost Bronze, Silver and Gold plans. For our 47 year-old with the $33,000 annual income, the cheapest Silver plan is $10/month below benchmark, at $107. It has a $4,000 deductible and an OOP max of $8,550. The lowest-cost Gold plan is $97/month and has a deductible of $1,750, with an OOP max of $6,950. A second Gold offering is $118/month, but with a $0 deductible (and the same OOP max).

The cheapest Bronze plan in this market is an HSAl-qualified plan available for $5 per month, with a $6,900 deductible and OOP max. For $19/month, a UHC Bronze plan has a $6,100 deductible, and doctor visits not subject to the deductible ($40 for primary care, $70 for a specialist).

New Mexico

For 2022, New Mexico implemented the strictest mandatory Silver loading in the country. The state insurance department directed insurers to price Silver plans as if they are Platinum – as they effectively are at low incomes. The theory is that if Gold plans are much cheaper than Silver, almost no one with an income over 200% FPL will buy Silver, justifying the pricing assumption. And in fact, in 2022, 69.5% of New Mexico enrollees with income over 200% FPL chose Gold.

The Albuquerque market offers no fewer than seven Gold plans priced below the benchmark premium ($117/month, recall), with premiums ranging from $58 to $110 per month. (Six of them are priced below the cheapest Silver plan.) Deductibles for those seven Gold plans range from $750 to $3,500; OOP maximums, from $4,500 to $8,700. Ambetter’s lowest-cost Silver plan, at $100 per month, has a deductible of $5,450 and an OOP max of $6,450.

Three Bronze plans are available in the Albuquerque market at less than $1 per month, and two more at less than $30 per month. Most of these plans offer doctor visits and/or generic drugs not subject to the deductible.

A choice with many variables

As the choices above illustrate, many factors besides premium and deductible should be considered while choosing a plan. The OOP max looms especially large for people who know they will need significant medical care – and as a risk factor for the healthy. Plans with more robust provider networks generally cost more than narrow network plans. The patchwork of cost-sharing for doctor visits, drugs, imaging and tests is also part of the mix, and those who expect to need certain services should check cost-sharing for them in those plans that they are considering.

Since premiums rise with age, so do the discounts on plans that cost less than the Benchmark Silver plan, as the “spread” between the benchmark and the cheaper plan increases proportionately. In states and regions where Gold plans do not cost less than the Benchmark, this makes Bronze plan discounts really salient for older enrollees – especially those who either don’t expect heavy medical costs or those who know that they will likely reach an out-of-pocket maximum with any plan. For people with enough savings to cover an OOP maximum in a bad year ($8,700 is the highest allowable in 2022), zero- or low-premium Bronze is often a viable option.

As New Mexico’s plan menu illustrates most clearly, the high value of CSR-enhanced Silver plans at low incomes should lead to discounted Gold and Bronze options for people with higher (often only modestly higher) incomes. The federal government could shape the national market to look more like New Mexico’s. If that doesn’t happen, other states are likely to follow New Mexico’s example, as Texas has for 2023.

Bottom line: if your income is below 200% FPL, you’re almost certainly best off in a Silver plan. If it’s above that threshold, look for discounts in Gold and Bronze. While only a few states have taken positive action to maximize those discounts, they exist to varying degrees in most markets.

* PA’s regulatory scheme fails in the Philadelphia area, where the dominant insurer, Independence Blue Cross, skirts the regulation by not offering a Gold plan with the same provider network as its cheapest Silver plan. Ambetter, a cut-rate insurer, follows suit, to a more moderate degree: its cheapest Gold plan is $130/month, $13 above benchmark.

Andrew Sprung is a freelance writer who blogs about politics and healthcare policy at xpostfactoid. His articles about the Affordable Care Act have appeared in publications including The American ProspectHealth AffairsThe Atlantic, and The New Republic. He is the winner of the National Institute of Health Care Management’s 2016 Digital Media Award. He holds a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Rochester.

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The case for switching from Bronze to Silver

In the 2022 open enrollment period for ACA marketplace plans, more Americans enrolled than in any previous year. An estimated
14.5 million people obtained 2022 marketplace coverage, an increase of 21% over 2021. And 89% of them were subsidized, with the federal government paying more than 80% of the premium on average in the 33 states that use HealthCare.gov, the federal platform.

The increased enrollment was mainly due to a boost to premium subsidies provided last March by the American Rescue Plan. (The boost extends only through 2022 and subsidy increases will expire next year unless Congress extends them.) The ARP did away with the ACA’s notorious subsidy cliff, which cut off subsidy eligibility at 400% of the Federal Poverty Level ($51,040 for an individual, $104,800 for a family of four in 2022). The ARP also reduced the percentage of income required to pay for a benchmark Silver plan (the second cheapest Silver plan in each area) at every income level.

In fact, the ARP made a benchmark Silver plan free at incomes up to 150%  FPL. A third of all marketplace enrollees – 4.6 million – have incomes below that threshold ($19,320 for an individual, $26,130 for a couple, $39,750 for a family of four).

That’s really good news. But not every low-income enrollee obtained the full value of the coverage available to them. A substantial number chose or remained enrolled in Bronze plans with much higher out-of-pocket costs.

Bronze plan holders may be leaving money on the table

At incomes up to 250% FPL, Silver plans are enhanced by cost-sharing reduction, which reduces out-of-pocket costs. CSR is particularly strong at incomes up to 150% FPL, where it reduces the average deductible to $146 and the average annual out-of-pocket maximum – the most an enrollee will pay for in-network care – to $1,208. Bronze plans – in prior years usually the only free option – have deductibles averaging $7,051 and OOP maxes usually in the $7,000-8,700 range.

Thanks to the ARP, every ACA market now has two Silver plans that are free to people with incomes up to 150% FPL, and often several more with single-digit premiums. Still, more than 600,000 enrollees with income below the 150% FPL threshold – 14% of enrollees in that income category – are enrolled in Bronze plans. Many of them may have been enrolled in those Bronze plans in 2021, when Silver plans were rarely free, and let themselves be passively auto-renewed, which happens if you take no action during the open enrollment period.

A small percentage of enrollees with income under 150% FPL may be ineligible for premium subsidies – for example, if they have an offer of insurance from an employer that’s deemed affordable by ACA standards but for some reason prefer to pay full cost for a marketplace plan. But the vast majority of the 618,575 low-income enrollees in Bronze plans are leaving serious money on the table – or, more exactly, exposing themselves to serious costs if they prove to need significant medical care.

At low incomes, a new opportunity to switch to Silver

Fortunately, if you find yourself in this situation – enrolled in a Bronze plan while a free high-CSR Silver plan is available to you – CMS (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) has created a remedy that went into effect just this March. As Louise Norris recently explained on this site:

In September 2021, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services finalized a new special enrollment period (SEP) in states that use HealthCare.gov (optional for other states), granting year-round enrollment in ACA-compliant health insurance if an applicant’s household income does not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and if the applicant is eligible for a premium tax credit (subsidy) that will cover the cost of the benchmark plan.

This SEP became available on the HealthCare.gov website (and enhanced direct enrollment entity websites) as of March 21, 2022.

Some but not all of the 18 state-based exchanges are currently offering this SEP. Several don’t need to, because they offer another type of free health insurance (Medicaid or a Basic Health Program) to enrollees with incomes up to 150% FPL or higher. See the note at bottom for details.

This newly instituted SEP also allows current enrollees with income below the 150% FPL threshold to switch into a Silver plan at any time. In fact, enrolling low-income people in Silver plans specifically is an express goal of the department of Health and Human Services, spelled out in its finalization of the rule establishing the SEP:

HHS proposed making this special enrollment period available to individuals based on household income level because enhanced financial assistance provided by the ARP for tax years 2021 and 2022 is such that many individuals with a household income no greater than 150 percent of the FPL have access to a silver plan with a zero dollar monthly premium.

If your income is below 150% FPL in particular, HHS wants you in a Silver plan:

… enrollees with a newly-enrolling dependent or other household member may not use the new monthly special enrollment period to change to a plan of a different metal level other than a silver-level QHP to enroll together with their newly-enrolling household member, but can stay in the same plan or change to a silver plan to enroll together with the newly-enrolling household member.

There is one downside to switching to a Silver plan during the plan year: any money you’ve already spent this year on medical care will not count toward your new deductible and out-of-pocket max. But the deductible, OOP max and copays or coinsurance are generally so much lower in Silver plans than in Bronze that this will rarely be a deterrent – unless you have already spent enough to have reached or nearly your current plan’s OOP max.

Why choose Bronze when Silver is free?

Some low-income Bronze plan enrollees may be aware of the much lower out-of-pocket costs generally required by a Silver plan, but still have chosen Bronze deliberately. In some cases, a desired insurer’s Silver plan (e.g., with a superior provider network) might be priced well above benchmark, while that insurer’s Bronze plan with the same provider network might be available free or at very low cost.

There is also a modest trend toward lower deductibles in Bronze plans: this year, 10% have $0 deductibles. But a Bronze plan’s much lower actuarial value – 60% vs. 94% for silver plans at incomes up to 150% FPL – means the higher out-of-pocket costs have to be paid in other ways – for example, in very high hospital copays and highest allowable out-of-pocket maximums.

In most cases, even if the Silver plan with desired provider network costs, say, $50/month while a  Bronze with the same network is available for free, the Silver plan is likely to be a better value. If you know enough to care enough about a plan’s provider network to forgo a different insurer’s free Silver plan, odds are that you’ll need enough care to make the Silver premium worth paying.  In the example above, you’d be accepting $600 in premiums to get a likely $5,000-7,000 improvement in the plan’s out-of-pocket maximum, and in most cases in its deductible as well.

Roughly 50,000 enrollees with income below 150% FPL chose Gold plans. At this income level, Silver plans are higher-value than Gold plans too. Deductibles for gold plans average $1,600, and out-of-pocket maximums are usually above $5,000, often much higher.

Bottom line: if your income is below the 150% FPL threshold (again: $19,140 for a single person, $32,580 for a family of four) and you are enrolled in a Bronze or Gold plan, strongly consider switching to Silver. The new SEP for low incomes makes switching easy.

SEP varies in state-based exchanges (SBEs)

Our prior post about the SEP for enrollees with income up to 150% FPL explains:

State-run exchanges (there are 18 as of the 2022 plan year) are not required to offer this SEP. But as of early 2022, several state-run exchanges (Colorado, MainePennsylvania, New Jersey, California, and Rhode Island) had already debuted the new SEP.

Several other state-run exchanges have no need for this SEP, because they have other programs with year-round availability. This includes:

  • New York and Minnesota, both of which have Basic Health Programs that cover people with income up to 200% of FPL
  • Massachusetts, which offers Connector Care to people with income up to 300% of FPL (enrollment is open year-round to people who are newly eligible or who have not been covered under the program in the past)
  • DC, which offers Medicaid to adults with income up to 215% of the poverty level

Some of the remaining state-run exchanges may decide to allow this SEP as of 2022, and others may choose not to offer it at all. Some state-run exchanges may find that it’s too operationally challenging to make this SEP available for 2022, and may postpone it until 2023 (assuming that the ARP’s subsidy enhancements are extended).

State-run exchanges have flexibility in terms of how they implement this SEP.

As noted above, some may choose not to offer this SEP at all. For those that do offer it, proof of income might be required in order to trigger the SEP, or they may follow the federal government’s lead and allow the SEP eligibility to be based on the income attested by the consumer.

Andrew Sprung is a freelance writer who blogs about politics and healthcare policy at xpostfactoid. His articles about the Affordable Care Act have appeared in publications including The American ProspectHealth AffairsThe Atlantic, and The New Republic. He is the winner of the National Institute of Health Care Management’s 2016 Digital Media Award. He holds a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Rochester.

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What will happen if ARP’s insurance subsidies expire?

During the open enrollment period for 2022 health coverage,
more than 14.5 million Americans enrolled in private health plans through the health insurance marketplaces nationwide. That was a record high, and a 21% increase over the number of people who enrolled the previous year.

The open enrollment period for 2022 was a month longer in most states, and the federal government spent significantly more money on outreach and enrollment assistance. But the primary factor driving the enrollment growth was affordability. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) – which took effect last spring – self-purchased coverage is a lot more affordable for most people than it used to be.

Unfortunately, the improved affordability is currently set to expire at the end of 2022. Unless Congress takes action to extend the subsidy enhancements made by the ARP, the subsidy structure will revert to the basic Affordable Care Act subsidies as of January 1, 2023.

Health insurance would again become unaffordable for many

Although the Congressional Budget Office projected last year that the enhanced subsidies would increase marketplace enrollment by 1.7 million Americans in 2022, enrollment actually grew by 2.5 million people. Again, some of that was due to the longer open enrollment window and the additional federal funding for enrollment assistance and outreach. But the improved affordability of marketplace coverage is the primary reason for the enrollment growth.

If the ARP subsidy enhancements are not extended, nearly everyone with marketplace coverage will have to pay higher premiums next year. And the 2.5 million additional enrollees who signed up this year may no longer be able to afford their coverage in 2023.

The subsidy cliff would return, as subsidies would no longer be available to households that earn more than 400% of the federal poverty level. As we’ve explained here, some Americans with household income a little over 400% of the poverty level had to pay a quarter – or even half – of their annual income for health insurance before the ARP’s subsidy structure was implemented.

That’s untenable, obviously. (Before the ARP, people in that situation often went uninsured or relied on less expensive options that are not comprehensive coverage – such as a health care sharing ministry plan or short-term health insurance.)

If the ARP’s subsidy enhancements expire, coverage will also become less affordable for people with income below 400% of the poverty level. Although most of them will continue to be subsidy-eligible, their subsidy amounts will drop, leaving them with higher net premiums each month. This chart shows some examples of how the ARP increased subsidies; those subsidy boosts will disappear at the end of this year unless Congress passes legislation to extend them.

HHS: ARP is saving consumers $59 a month on premiums

Across the 10.3 million people who enrolled through the federally run exchange (HealthCare.gov, which is currently used in 33 states), the average net premium this year is $111/month. HHS noted that without the ARP’s subsidy enhancements, the average net premium would be $170/month, so the ARP is saving the average enrollee $59 per month in 2022. At ACA Signups, Charles Gaba has some alarming graphs showing just how much more people will be paying for their health insurance if the subsidy enhancements aren’t extended.

And across all 14.5 million exchange enrollees this year, 66% are enrolled in Silver or Gold plans, versus 63% in early 2021 (prior to the ARP). Some of the people who were previously enrolled in Bronze plans have shifted to more-robust Silver and Gold plans this year.

Although those percentages are still in the same ballpark, we also have to remember that enrollment is considerably higher this year. The result is that 2 million additional people have coverage under robust Silver and Gold plans this year (9.6 million, versus 7.6 million last year). This is a direct result of the additional affordability created by the ARP’s subsidy enhancements. People generally prefer the most robust coverage that they can realistically afford, and the ARP made it easier to afford better coverage.

It’s particularly important to point out that the ARP subsidies allow people with income up to 150% of the poverty level to enroll in the benchmark Silver plan for free (for 2022 coverage, 150% of the poverty level is $19,320 in annual income; for a family of four, it’s $39,750). For these enrollees, robust cost-sharing reductions make these Silver plans better than a Platinum plan, with very low out-of-pocket costs. Prior to the ARP, people in this income range had to pay premiums of up to about 4% of their income for the benchmark plan. And without the ARP’s subsidy enhancements, many of these people would be unable to afford the coverage they have this year.

The availability of free Silver plans for this population has proven to be especially important in the dozen states that have not expanded Medicaid, since people in those states are eligible for marketplace premium subsidies with income as low as 100% of the poverty level (in states that have expanded Medicaid, Medicaid is available to people with income up to 138% of the poverty level, resulting in a much smaller segment of low-income enrollees being subsidy-eligible). Although enrollment in marketplace plans grew by 21% nationwide in 2022, the most significant growth tended to be concentrated in the states that have not expanded Medicaid, where it grew by an average of 31%.

If Congress doesn’t take action to extend the ARP’s subsidies, all of these gains will be lost. Millions of people will lose their coverage or be forced to shift to less robust coverage, because their current coverage will no longer be affordable in 2023.

Special enrollment for low-income households would expire with ARP’s subsidies

It’s also worth noting that the new special enrollment period for people with income up to 150% of the poverty level would expire at the end of 2022 if the ARP’s subsidies are not extended. When HHS created this special enrollment period, they clarified that it will only remain in effect as long as people in that income range can enroll in the benchmark plan without paying any premiums.

Without the ARP’s subsidy enhancements, that would no longer be the case.

Will Congress extend the ARP’s subsidy structure?

Last fall, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act, which called for a temporary extension of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements. Under that legislation, the larger and more widely available subsidies would have continued to be in place through 2025 (instead of just through 2022), and the legislation also called for a one-year extension of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements for people receiving unemployment compensation.

Unfortunately, the legislation stalled in the Senate, after being opposed by all 50 Republican Senators, as well as Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat from West Virginia. So the subsidy enhancements for Americans receiving unemployment compensation expired at the end of 2021, and the rest of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements are currently slated to expire at the end of 2022.

The Build Back Better Act is a massive piece of legislation, addressing a wide range of issues and costing more than $2 trillion. But Sen. Manchin supports the extension of the ARP’s subsidies, which means a smaller piece of legislation addressing just this issue would be likely to garner his support.

How will the ARP subsidy extension uncertainty affect 2023 premiums?

Technically, Congress could take action to preserve the current subsidy structure at any time between now and the end of 2022 (or even in 2023, with subsidy enhancements retroactive to the start of 2023, as was the case with ARP subsidy enhancements in 2021). But health insurers are already starting to sort out the details for 2023 plan designs and pricing, and subsidy structure plays a large role in that process.

If the ARP’s subsidies remain in place for 2023, enrollment will continue to be higher than it would otherwise be, and healthy people — who might otherwise forego coverage if it was less affordable — will stay in the insurance pool. Health insurance actuaries take all of this into consideration when determining whether to remain in (or enter) various markets, what plans to offer, and how much they have to charge in premiums in order to cover their costs.

Since the extension of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements is still up in the air, states and insurers will have to be flexible in terms of how they handle this issue over the coming weeks and months. The ARP was enacted on March 11 last year, so insurers knew by then what the subsidy parameters would look like for 2022. But we’re already a few weeks past that point this year, and there is no such clarity for 2023.

States can have insurers file two sets of rates for 2023, or file a single set of rates that explain whether they’re assuming the ARP subsidies will expire or be extended (Missouri is an example of a state taking this approach). Some states will tell insurers to simply base their rate filings on the current situation — ie, that the ARP subsidies will not exist in 2023 — and deal with potential revisions later on (Virginia is an example of a state that has instructed insurers to file rates based on the assumption that the ARP subsidies will expire at the end of 2023; this was clarified in a recent teleconference hosted by the Virginia Bureau of Insurance).

States and insurers have previously demonstrated the ability to turn on a dime, as we saw with the rate revisions that were implemented in many states in October 2017, after federal funding for cost-sharing reductions was eliminated at the eleventh hour. So if the ARP subsidies are extended mid-way through the rate filing/review process, insurers will be able to revise their rates accordingly, even at the last minute.

The sooner ARP’s subsidy structure is extended, the better

But for everyone involved, this process will be smoother if legislation to extend the ARP subsidies is enacted sooner rather than later. This would help consumers — particularly those with income a little over 400% of the poverty level — plan ahead for next year. It would help insurers nail down their rate proposals and coverage areas. And it would make the rate review process simpler for state insurance departments.

If you buy your own health insurance, you can reach out to your members of Congress about this, asking them to extend the subsidy enhancements that have likely made your coverage more affordable than it used to be.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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Should Medicaid recipients worry about losing their coverage in 2022?

The COVID-19 pandemic has cast a spotlight on the importance of the various safety net systems that the U.S. has in place. Medicaid is a prime example: As of July 2021, enrollment in Medicaid/CHIP exceeded 83.6 million people, with more than 12 million new enrollees since early 2020.

This enrollment growth — more than 17% in 17 months — is obviously tied to the widespread job and income losses that affected millions of Americans as a result of the COVID pandemic. Fortunately, Medicaid was able to step in and provide health coverage when people lost their income; without it, millions of additional Americans would have joined the ranks of the uninsured. We didn’t see that happen in 2020, thanks in large part to the availability of Medicaid and CHIP.

But the continued enrollment growth in Medicaid is primarily due to the fact that the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), enacted in March 2020, provides states with additional federal funding for their Medicaid programs, as long as they don’t disenroll people from Medicaid during the COVID public health emergency (PHE) period. And all states accepted the additional federal Medicaid funding.

So while there is normally quite a bit of turnover in the Medicaid program — with some people losing eligibility each month — enrollment has trended upward for nearly two years, without the normal disenrollments that were routine prior to the pandemic.

The end of public health emergency could mean disenrollment for millions who have Medicaid coverage

But the PHE will eventually end — possibly in mid-April — and millions of Americans could lose their Medicaid coverage soon thereafter. There are very real concerns that many people who are actually still eligible for Medicaid might lose their coverage due to onerous paper-based eligibility redetermination systems.

We’re hopeful that states will work to make the redeterminations and renewals process as transparent, accurate, and simple as possible. But our goal today is to help you understand what you need to know in order to maintain coverage if you’re one of the millions of people who could potentially lose Medicaid eligibility in the coming months.

When will Medicaid eligibility redeterminations happen?

The federal PHE was first declared in March 2020, and most recently extended in January 2022. The extensions are valid for 90 days at a time, and the PHE is currently scheduled to continue through April 16, 2022. At this point, nobody knows whether the PHE will be extended again. It will depend on the state of the pandemic at that point, and we’ve all seen how quickly the COVID tide can turn.

But the Biden administration informed governors in early 2021 that HHS would give states 60 days notice prior to letting the PHE terminate, so that they can begin planning for the substantial work that will be involved with a return to normal Medicaid operations.

After the month that the PHE ends, states have up to 12 months to complete eligibility redeterminations based on members’ changed circumstances, as well as pending eligibility verifications and renewals (this timeframe was initially set at six months as of late 2020, but as the pandemic dragged on and states’ backlog of suspended eligibility redeterminations grew, the Biden administration extended it to 12 months).

But regardless of how quickly a state opts to start redetermining eligibility and disenrolling people who are no longer Medicaid eligible, the additional federal Medicaid funding will only continue through the end of the quarter in which the PHE ends. As of the start of the next quarter, states will revert to receiving their normal federal Medicaid funding. This does incentivize states, to some extent, to process eligibility redeterminations quickly.

For a person who is no longer Medicaid-eligible under normal rules, Medicaid coverage can end as early as the end of the month that the PHE ends. So if the PHE ends in April, some people will lose their Medicaid coverage at the end of April. But the overall pace of Medicaid eligibility redeterminations and disenrollments will vary considerably from one state to another in the months after the PHE ends.

How many people will lose Medicaid coverage when the public health emergency ends?

An Urban Institute analysis published in September 2021 projected that up to 15 million people could lose Medicaid coverage in 2022. And that was based on an assumption that the PHE would continue only through the end of 2021.

We now know that it will continue through at least mid-April 2022, and each additional month adds to the backlog of renewals and eligibility redeterminations that have been growing since March 2020.

What are your coverage options if you lose your Medicaid?

If you’re still eligible for Medicaid under your state’s rules, you’ll be able to keep your coverage. You may have to submit documentation to the state to prove your ongoing eligibility, so pay close attention to any requests for information that you receive.

Many states have continued to send out these renewal notifications and information requests throughout the pandemic. They could not disenroll people who didn’t respond or whose data indicated that they were no longer eligible, but they will be able to start terminating coverage for those individuals once the PHE ends. But if you’ve recently submitted renewal information to your state and it’s clear that you’re still eligible, your coverage will continue as usual until your next renewal period.

If you no longer meet your state’s Medicaid eligibility guidelines, it’s a good idea to understand what your options will be once the PHE ends and your state begins disenrolling people who aren’t Medicaid eligibility.

What are your options if you’re no longer eligible for Medicaid?

What if your income has increased to a level that’s no longer Medicaid-eligible? Or maybe your circumstances have changed — perhaps your income is the same but you have fewer people in your household and your income now puts you at a higher percentage of the poverty level. There are millions of people who became eligible for Medicaid at some point since March 2020, and are still enrolled in Medicaid even though they would not be determined eligible if they were to apply today.

For those individuals, there will generally be two primary options for post-Medicaid coverage: An employer-sponsored plan, or a plan obtained in the health insurance exchange/marketplace. According to the Urban Institute’s analysis, about a third of the people losing Medicaid will be eligible for premium tax credits (subsidies) in the marketplace, while about two-thirds will be eligible for employer-sponsored coverage that meets the ACA’s definition of affordable (note that some of those people might not have access to coverage that’s actually affordable, due to the family glitch).

Most of the people who will become eligible for marketplace subsidies will be adults, as the majority of the children who transition away from Medicaid will be eligible for CHIP instead. (Children are always much less likely than adults to qualify for marketplace subsidies. That’s because Medicaid and CHIP eligibility for children extend to significantly higher income ranges, and marketplace subsidies are never available if a person is eligible for Medicaid or CHIP.)

What should you do if you currently have Medicaid coverage?

If you’re currently enrolled in Medicaid, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with your state’s eligibility rules, and figure out whether you’d be eligible if you were to apply today, with your current circumstances and income.

If the answer is yes, be sure you pay close attention to any requests for additional information from your state’s Medicaid office, as they may need that in order to keep your coverage in force.

But if the answer is no, be prepared for a coverage termination notice at some point after the PHE ends.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind for that:

The main point to keep in mind is that the opportunity to transition to new coverage, from an employer or through the marketplace, is time-limited. If you miss your special enrollment period, you’ll have to wait until the next annual open enrollment period to sign up for coverage (in the individual market, that starts November 1; employers set their own enrollment windows).

New special enrollment period for low-income enrollees

There is a new special enrollment period that allows people with household income up to 150% of the poverty level to enroll in coverage year-round, for as long as the enhanced subsidies remain in place (so at least through the end of 2022, and possibly longer).

For people whose income has increased enough to make them ineligible for Medicaid, but still eligible for this special enrollment period, there will be more flexibility in terms of access to coverage. But although HHS finalized this special enrollment period in September 2021, it won’t be available on HealthCare.gov (and enhanced direct enrollment partner websites) until late March 2022 (it’s available prior to that for people who call the HealthCare.gov call center and enroll via phone). The new low-income special enrollment period is optional for the 18 state-run exchanges, although several of them had already made it available as of February (Colorado, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California, Maine, and Rhode Island). More are likely to follow suit once it debuts on HealthCare.gov.

But it’s still in your best interest to submit an application as soon as possible, even after the new low-income special enrollment period becomes widely available. Free or nearly free coverage will be available in the marketplace for people eligible for this special enrollment period (this is a result of the American Rescue Plan’s subsidy enhancements). And since coverage cannot be backdated, it’s essential to ensure that you’re covered before any medical needs arise.

So the best course of action is to simply enroll in a marketplace plan as soon as you know that your Medicaid coverage will be terminated (assuming you don’t have access to an employer-sponsored plan), in order to avoid any gap in coverage. This is true regardless of whether you’ll qualify for the new low-income special enrollment period, since you’ll have a normal loss-of-coverage special enrollment period when your Medicaid ends, and you can take advantage of it right away.

Don’t panic: Coverage is almost certainly available

The impending termination of the PHE and return to business-as-usual for Medicaid can be a nerve-wracking prospect for some enrollees. Many people who enrolled in Medicaid since early 2020 have never experienced the regular eligibility redeterminations and renewal processes that have long been a part of Medicaid, and those will resume once the PHE ends.

The primary things to keep in mind: Your Medicaid coverage will continue if you continue to meet the eligibility guidelines and submit any necessary documentation as soon as it’s requested by the state. And if you’re no longer eligible for Medicaid, you’re almost certainly eligible for an employer-sponsored plan or a subsidized plan in the marketplace. Don’t panic, but also don’t delay, as your opportunity to enroll in new coverage will likely be time-limited.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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Lost your job? Here’s how to keep your health insurance or find new coverage now.

Most People in america under the age of 65 get their health insurance policy from an employer. This helps make lifestyle relatively basic as very long as you have a work that provides sound wellbeing gains: All you will need to do is enroll when you are suitable, and if your employer offers a couple of possibilities from which to choose, decide the 1 that greatest matches your desires just about every 12 months during your employer’s annual enrollment period of time.

But the draw back to obtaining health and fitness insurance policies joined to work is that shedding your position will also signify dropping your wellness insurance policies, adding tension to an already demanding condition.

The very good news is that you’ve received selections — probably various, based on the instances. Let’s just take a glimpse at what you need to know about wellbeing insurance coverage if you’ve dropped your career and are going through the decline of your employer-sponsored overall health protection.

Can I enroll in self-obtained insurance policies as shortly as I’ve missing my job?

Open enrollment for 2022 health and fitness insurance policies operates by at least January 15, in most states. But if you are getting rid of your occupation-centered health insurance policy soon after that, you do not have to wait for the next annual open enrollment interval to indication up for a new ACA-compliant program. You are going to qualify for your very own exclusive enrollment period of time owing to the reduction of your employer-sponsored wellness strategy.

This will allow for you to enroll in a program via the market/exchange and acquire benefit of the subsidies that are larger than at any time, thanks to the American Rescue Prepare.

If you enroll prior to your coverage reduction, your new system will acquire influence the first of the thirty day period immediately after your old approach ends, which indicates you are going to have seamless coverage if your old system is ending on the past working day of the thirty day period.

Your distinctive enrollment time period also continues for 60 times following your protection reduction, despite the fact that you’d have a gap in coverage if you wait around and enroll right after your previous prepare finishes, given that your new prepare wouldn’t take result retroactively.

If you’re in that condition, you may well uncover that a quick-term health strategy is a great solution for bridging the hole right up until your new approach can take outcome. Brief-time period plans won’t cover pre-existing disorders and are not regulated by the Reasonably priced Care Act (ACA). But they can give relatively fantastic protection for sudden healthcare demands through a temporary window when you’d normally be uninsured.

COBRA (or state continuation) versus self-procured protection

Alternatively, if COBRA is out there, you have 60 days to make your mind up whether or not you want to just take it or not. You can use this window as a little bit of a cushion between your outdated protection and your new coverage, simply because COBRA will take influence retroactively if and when you elect to use it. So if you are going to have a 1-thirty day period gap in between your job approach ending and your new plan starting, you could elect COBRA if you close up with healthcare wants in the course of that month. The protection would seamlessly begin when your aged strategy would have finished, staying away from any hole in protection as prolonged as you pay out all COBRA rates that are because of.

If COBRA (or point out continuation coverage) is out there, your employer will notify you and give you details about what you’ll require to do to activate the coverage continuation, how prolonged you can hold it, and how significantly you’ll have to pay back each thirty day period to hold the coverage in power.

If you depend on COBRA after leaving your career (as a substitute of transitioning to a self-purchased prepare in the marketplace), you are going to have a unique enrollment time period when the COBRA subsidy ends. This will permit you to transition to an specific/household prepare at that place if you want to.

COBRA protection vs specific-marketplace overall health coverage

Here’s what to maintain in head when you’re determining amongst COBRA and an particular person-market wellness system:

  • ACA market subsidies are now offered at all income concentrations, dependent on the value of protection in your area (the American Rescue Strategy eliminated the income cap for subsidy eligibility for 2021 and 2022). And the subsidies are sizeable, masking the greater part of the high quality value for the majority of marketplace enrollees. Unless your employer is subsidizing your COBRA protection, you are going to likely come across that the month-to-month premiums are decrease if you enroll in a prepare by means of the market, as opposed to continuing your employer-sponsored program.
  • Have you already spent a substantial volume of revenue on out-of-pocket prices underneath your employer-sponsored approach this yr? You’ll almost absolutely be commencing over at $ if you switch to an specific/relatives program, even if it is supplied by the exact same insurance company that offers your employer-sponsored coverage. Based on the details of your circumstance, the revenue you have presently compensated for out-of-pocket medical costs this year could offset the decreased premiums you’re probable to see in the marketplace.
  • Do you have specified medical practitioners or professional medical amenities you have to have to go on to use? You will want to thoroughly check the service provider networks of the readily available individual/loved ones ideas to see if they are in-network (provider networks can vary considerably between the employer-sponsored and specific marketplace, even if the programs are provided by the exact insurance policy company). And if there are specific remedies that you require, you are going to want to be absolutely sure they’re on the formularies of the strategies you’re looking at.
  • Will you qualify for a quality subsidy if you swap to an individual/family members prepare? If you do qualify, you will require to store in your exchange/market, as subsidies are not accessible if you acquire your approach instantly from an coverage corporation. (You can contact the range at the major of this webpage to be related with a broker who can aid you enroll in a plan by the exchange.) And again, as a final result of the ARP, subsidies are larger sized and extra widely available than normal that will carry on to be the situation throughout 2022 as properly.

What if my income is far too lower for subsidies?

In get to qualify for premium subsidies for a program procured in the market, you have to not be qualified for Medicaid, quality-absolutely free Medicare Portion A, or an employer-sponsored approach, and your revenue has to be at minimum 100% of the federal poverty level.

In most states, the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid eligibility presents protection to older people with home cash flow up to 138% of the poverty stage, with eligibility decided centered on present monthly revenue. So if your profits has quickly dropped to $, you are going to most likely be qualified for Medicaid and could changeover to Medicaid when your position-centered protection ends.

Sadly, there are nonetheless 11 states in which most older people facial area a coverage gap if their house profits is beneath the federal poverty level. They aren’t qualified for premium subsidies in the market, and also are not eligible for Medicaid. This is an unfortunate scenario that all those 11 states have established for their low-cash flow inhabitants. But there are approaches for avoiding the coverage gap if you’re in a person of people states.

And maintain in mind that subsidy eligibility in the marketplace is dependent on your household cash flow for the entire year, even if your existing every month income is beneath the poverty amount. So if you gained plenty of before in the calendar year to be subsidy-suitable, you can enroll in a program with subsidies based mostly on that revenue, regardless of the truth that you may possibly not get paid just about anything else for the relaxation of the 12 months.

What if I’ll soon be qualified for Medicare?

There has been an increase not too long ago in the quantity of individuals retiring in their late 50s or early 60s, right before they are suitable for Medicare. The ACA created this a extra sensible option starting in 2014, thanks to top quality subsidies and the elimination of health-related underwriting.

And the ARP has boosted subsidies and manufactured them additional widely available by means of the finish of 2022, producing affordable coverage more available for early retirees. That is specifically accurate for those whose pre-retirement earnings may well have designed them ineligible for subsidies in the yr they retired, thanks to the “subsidy cliff” (which has been eliminated by the ARP by way of the end of 2022).

So if you’re getting rid of your job or picking out to leave it and you continue to have a few months or a couple of many years before you are going to be 65 and qualified for Medicare, rest assured that you will not have to go uninsured.

You will be ready to indication up for a market strategy throughout your distinctive enrollment period induced by the reduction of your employer-sponsored plan. And even if you gained a pretty sturdy profits in the earlier component of the year, you may continue to qualify for top quality subsidies to offset some of the cost of your new prepare for the rest of the 12 months.

And market programs are normally procured on a month-to-thirty day period foundation, so you will be ready to terminate your protection when you at some point changeover to Medicare, irrespective of when that comes about.

Really don’t be concerned, get coated

The small tale on all of this? Coverage is obtainable, and obtaining your personal wellbeing strategy isn’t as challenging as it could possibly appear to be at first glance, even if you’ve had employer-sponsored protection all your lifestyle.

You can signal up outdoors of open up enrollment if you’re dropping your job-based mostly insurance, and there is a superior opportunity you’ll qualify for money help that will make your new prepare affordable.

You can master much more about the marketplace in your state and the obtainable program solutions by deciding upon your state on this map. And there are zero-expense enrollment assisters – Navigators and brokers – offered throughout the region to assist you make sense of it all.

Louise Norris is an personal well being insurance policies broker who has been crafting about wellness insurance policies and wellness reform given that 2006. She has penned dozens of viewpoints and academic pieces about the Reasonably priced Treatment Act for healthinsurance.org. Her point out health and fitness trade updates are frequently cited by media who protect wellness reform and by other well being coverage gurus.

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ACA sign-ups hit all-time high – with a month of open enrollment remaining

The Biden administration announced last week that enrollment in ACA marketplace plans had reached an all-time high of 13.6 million* as of December 15, with a month still to go in the open enrollment period (OEP) for 2022 in most states.

That’s an increase of about 2 million (17%) over enrollment as of the same date last year, according to Charles Gaba’s estimate, and well above the previous high of 12.7 million recorded as of the end of open enrollment for 2016, which lasted until January 31 in most states. When OEP ends this coming January, enrollment in marketplace plans will exceed 14 million.

92% of marketplace enrollees in HealthCare.gov states received health insurance subsidies

In the 33 states using the federal exchange, HealthCare.gov (for which the federal government provides more detailed statistics than in the 18 state-based exchanges), almost all enrollees (92%) received premium tax credits (subsidies) to help pay for coverage – including 400,000 who would not have qualified for subsidies prior to passage in March of this year of the American Rescue Plan (ARP). That bill not only increased premium subsidies at every income level through 2022, but also removed the previous income cap on subsidies, which was 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL) ($51,520 per year for an individual and $106,000 for a family of four). In 2022, no enrollee who lacks access to other affordable insurance pays more than 8.5% of income for a benchmark Silver plan (the second cheapest Silver plan in each area), and most pay far less.

The enrollment increase is tribute to the huge boost in affordability created by the ARP subsidies. A benchmark Silver plan with strong Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR, attached to Silver plans for low-income enrollees) is now free at incomes up to 150%FPL ($19,320 for an individual, $39,750 for a family of four in 2022) and costs no more than 2% of income ($43/month for an individual) at incomes up to 200% FPL. The percentage of income required for the benchmark Silver plan  was reduced at higher incomes as well.  The ARP also provided free high-CSR Silver coverage to anyone who received any unemployment insurance income in 2021.

The American Rescue Plan boosted enrollment throughout 2021 and into 2022

The enrollment gains during OEP build on the enrollment surge triggered by the emergency special enrollment period (SEP) opened by the Biden administration on February 15 of this year, which ran through August 15 in the 33 states using HealthCare.gov, and for varying periods in the 15 states that ran their own exchanges in 2021. (There are now 18 state-based exchanges, as Kentucky, Maine and New Mexico launched new ones for 2022.)

The ARP subsidies came online in April (or May in a few state marketplaces). From February to August, 2.8 million people enrolled during the SEP, and total enrollment increased by 900,000 on net from February to August (as people also disenrolled every month, and many enrollees doubtless regained employer-sponsored coverage during a period of rapid job growth).

In addition, once the ARP subsidy increases went into effect, 8 million existing enrollees saw their premiums reduced by an average of 50%, from $134 to $67 per month. Enrollees’ premiums in 2022 should be similar to those of the SEP.

Enrollment growth was concentrated in states that have not expanded Medicaid

Enrollment increases during open enrollment – as during the SEP and the OEP for 2021 – were heavily concentrated in states that have not enacted the ACA expansion of Medicaid eligibility. There were 14 such states during most of the SEP and 12 during the (still current) OEP, as Oklahoma belatedly enacted the Medicaid expansion starting in July of this year, and Missouri in October.

In non-expansion states, eligibility for ACA premium subsidies begins at 100% FPL, while in states that have enacted the expansion, marketplace subsidy eligibility begins at 138% FPL, and Medicaid is available below that threshold. In non-expansion states, the marketplace is the only route to coverage for most low-income adults, and those who report incomes below 100% FPL mostly get no help at all – they are in the notorious coverage gap. In those states, about 40% of marketplace enrollees have incomes below 138% FPL – that is, they would be enrolled in Medicaid if their states enacted the expansion.

During OEP, these 12 non-expansion states account for 81% of the enrollment gains in the 33 HealthCare.gov states, and about two-thirds of enrollment gains in all states. The table below also shows gains over a two-year period, encompassing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Total plan selections in non-expansion states**
Dec. 15 open enrollment snapshots 2020-2022
State 2020 2021 2022 Increase 2021-2022 % increase 2021-2022 Increase 2020-2022 % increase 2020-2022
Alabama 159,820 168,399 205,407 37,008 22.0% 45,587 28.5%
Florida 1,912,394 2,115,424 2,592,906 477,482 22.6% 680,512 35.6%
Georgia 464,041 541,641 653,999 139,358 27.1% 189,958 40.9%
Kansas 85,880 88,497 102,573 14,076 15.9% 16,693 19.4%
Mississippi 98,868 110,519 132,432 21,913 19.8% 33,564 33.9%
North Carolina 505,159 536,270 638,309 102,039 19.0% 133,150 26.4%
South Carolina 215,331 230,033 282,882 52,849 23.0% 67,551 31.4%
South Dakota 29,330 31,283 39,292 8,009 25.6% 9,962 34.0%
Tennessee 200,723 211,474 257,778 46,304 21.9% 57,055 28.4%
Texas 1,117,882 1,284,524 1,711,204 426,680 33.2% 593,322 53.1%
Wisconsin 196,594 192,183 205,991 13,808 7.2% 9,397 4.8%
Wyoming 24,665 26,684 33,035 6,351 23.8% 8,370 33.9%
Non-expansion states 5,010,687 5,509,931 6,855,808 1,345,877 24.4% 1,845,121 36.8%
All HC.gov states 7,533,936 8,053,842 9,724,251 1,670,409 20.7% 2,190,315 29.1%

In the 39 states that have enacted the ACA Medicaid expansion (21 on HealthCare.gov and 18 running their own exchanges), far fewer enrollees are eligible for free Silver coverage. In expansion states, eligibility for marketplace subsidies begins at an income of 138% FPL, as people below that threshold are eligible for Medicaid. Nevertheless, enrollment growth in non-expansion states during the current OEP is substantial, increasing by about 755,000 year-over-year, or 13%.

The marketplace has been a pandemic ‘safety net’

The marketplace has been a bulwark against uninsurance during the pandemic, among low-income people especially and in the non-expansion states in particular. As shown in the chart above, enrollment in these 11 states increased by 1.8 million from Dec. 15, 2019 to Dec. 15, 2021 – a 37% increase. For all states, the two-year increase is in the neighborhood of 25% and will approach 3 million (from 11.4 million in OEP for 2020 to above 14 million when OEP for 2022 ends in January). That’s in addition to an increase of more than 12 million in Medicaid enrollment during the pandemic.

While millions of Americans lost jobs when the pandemic struck, and millions fewer are employed today than in February 2020, the uninsured rate did not increase during 2020, according to government surveys, and may even prove to have downticked during 2021 or 2022 when the data comes in.

While the government has not yet published detailed statistics as to who has enrolled during the current OEP, they did do so in the final enrollment report for the emergency SEP. During the emergency SEP, out of 2.8 million new enrollees, 2.1 million were in the 33 HealthCare.gov states. In those states, 41% of enrollees obtained Silver plans with the highest level of CSR, which means that they had incomes under 150% FPL (or received unemployment income) and so received free coverage in plans with an actuarial value of 94% – far above the norm for employer-sponsored plans.

The median deductible obtained in HealthCare.gov states was $50, which makes sense, as 54% of enrollees obtained Silver plans with strong CSR, raising the plan’s actuarial value to either 94% (at incomes up to 150% FPL) or to 87% (at incomes between 150% and 200% FPL). Two-thirds of enrollees in HealthCare.gov states paid less than $50 per month for coverage, and 37% obtained coverage for free.

At higher incomes, as noted above, 400,000 enrollees who received subsidies in HealthCare.gov states would not have been subsidy-eligible before the ARP lifted the income cap on subsidies (previously 400% FPL). The same is also doubtless true for several hundred thousand enrollees in state-based marketplaces. The SBEs account for a bit less than a third of all enrollment, but in those states, all of which have expanded Medicaid, the percentage of enrollees with income over 400% FPL is almost twice that of the HealthCare.gov states (12% versus 7% during the emergency SEP).

ARP: a patch for the coverage gap?

The strong enrollment growth in non-expansion states – an increase of 37% in two years – indicates that during the pandemic, some low-income people in those states found their way out of the coverage gap (caused by the lack of government help available to most adults with incomes below 100% FPL).  In March 2020, the CARES Act (H.R.748) provided supplementary uninsurance income of $600 per week for up to four months to a wide range of people who had lost income during the pandemic, likely pushing many incomes over 100% FPL. In 2021, anyone who received any unemployment income qualified for free Silver coverage, and during the emergency SEP, 84,000 new enrollees took advantage of this provision (along with 124,000 existing enrollees). That emergency provision is not in effect in 2022, however.

Marketplace subsidies are based on an estimate of future income. For low-income people in particular, who are often paid by the hour, work uncertain schedules, depend on tips, or are self-employed, income can be difficult to project. The desire to be insured during the pandemic may have spurred some applicants to make sure their estimates cleared the 100% FPL threshold. (Enrollment assisters and brokers can help applicants deploy every resource to meet this goal.)

For OEP 2022, the Biden administration raised funding for nonprofit enrollment assistance in HealthCare.gov states to record levels, enough to train and certify more than 1,500 enrollment navigators. This past spring, in compliance with a court order, the exchanges stopped requiring low-income applicants who estimated income  over 100% FPL to provide documentation if the government’s “trusted sources” of information indicated an  income below the threshold.

Comparatively weak enrollment growth in Wisconsin may support the hypothesis that under pressure of the pandemic, some enrollees in other non-expansion states are climbing out of the coverage gap. Alone among non-expansion states, Wisconsin has no coverage gap, as the state provides Medicaid to adults with incomes up to 100% FPL (rather than up to the 138% FPL threshold required by the ACA Medicaid expansion, which offers enhanced federal funding to participating states). In Wisconsin, those whose income falls below the 100% FPL marketplace eligibility threshold have access to free coverage. Wisconsin is the only non-expansion state that did not experience double-digit enrollment growth in OEP 2022 or from 2020-2022.

The future of increased subsidies is unclear

The American Rescue Plan was conceived as emergency pandemic relief, and its increased subsidies run only through 2022. President Biden’s Build Back Better bill, which passed in the House of Representatives but is currently stalled in the Senate, would extend the ARP subsidies through 2025 or possibly further.

The large increase in enrollment this year should add pressure on Congress to extend the improved subsidies into future years. Consumer response to the increased subsidies has proved immediate and dramatic. The ARP subsidy boosts brought the Affordable Care Act much closer than previously to living up to the promise of “affordable” care expressed in its name. Going backwards on that promise should not be seen as a politically viable or ethical path.

* * *

* Another million people are enrolled in Basic Health Programs established under the ACA by Minnesota and New York – low-cost, Medicaid-like programs for state residents with incomes under 200% FPL. Enrollment in these programs is on track to increase by 13% this year, according to Charles Gaba’s estimate.

** HealthCare.gov all-state totals are for the 33 states using the federal exchange this year. Source: Charles Gaba, OE snapshots as of mid-December, 2021-22, 2020-2021; see also CMS end-of-OEP snapshots for 2020, 2021, 2022



Andrew Sprung is a freelance writer who blogs about politics and healthcare policy at xpostfactoid. His articles about the Affordable Care Act have appeared in publications including The American ProspectHealth AffairsThe Atlantic, and The New Republic. He is the winner of the National Institute of Health Care Management’s 2016 Digital Media Award. He holds a Ph.D. in English literature from the University of Rochester.

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How the Build Back Better legislation might affect your coverage

Just before Thanksgiving, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act (HR5376) and sent it to the Senate. The version that the House approved was scaled down from the initial proposal, but it’s still a robust bill that would create jobs, protect the environment, help families meet their needs, and improve access to health care.

Lawmakers had initially hoped that the bill would be enacted before Christmas. But the situation has changed in December, with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin stating recently that he will not vote for the current Build Back Better legislation. The situation is still in flux, and it’s noteworthy that the nation’s largest coal miners union has asked Manchin to reconsider his position.

For the time being, we don’t know what might come of this. Manchin might reconsider, or the legislation might be changed to support his earlier requests, or it might be scrapped altogether and replaced with various piecemeal bills.

But for now, we wanted to explain how the House’s version of the Build Back Better Act would affect your health insurance in 2022 and future years. We’ll also clarify what you can already count on in 2022, even without the Build Back Better Act. And how should you handle the current open enrollment period, given that the legislation is still up in the air?

Let’s start with a summary of how the House’s version of the BBBA would affect people who buy their own health insurance (keeping in mind that we don’t know whether the Senate will pass any version of the BBBA, and if they do, what changes might be incorporated):

Law would extend larger and more widely available subsidies

The enhanced premium tax credit (subsidy) structure created by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) would remain in place through 2025, instead of ending after 2022. This would mean:

  • There would continue to be no “subsidy cliff” through 2025. Subsidies would be available to households earning more than 400% of the poverty level, as long as the cost of the benchmark plan would otherwise be more than 8.5% of household income.
  • Subsidies would continue to be larger than they were prior to the ARP. People with household income up to 150% of the poverty level would be able to enroll in the benchmark plan at no cost. And people with income above that level would continue to pay a smaller percentage of their income for the benchmark plan, relative to what they had to pay pre-ARP.

These enhanced subsidies have made coverage much more affordable in 2021, and the BBBA would extend them for another three years.

It’s also important to note that HHS finalized a new rule this year that allows year-round enrollment via HealthCare.gov for people whose income doesn’t exceed 150% of the poverty level. This rule remains in place for as long as people at that income level are eligible for $0 premium benchmark plans. Under the ARP, that would just be through 2022. But the BBBA would extend the availability of this special enrollment opportunity through 2025.

BBBA would include one-year extension of unemployment-related subsidies

The ARP’s subsidies related to unemployment compensation would be available in 2022, instead of ending after this year. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that about a million people will receive these enhanced subsidies, and that about half of them would otherwise be uninsured in 2022.

Under the ARP, if a person receives unemployment compensation at any point in 2021, any income above 133% of the poverty level is disregarded when they apply for a marketplace plan. That means they’re eligible for a $0 benchmark plan and full cost-sharing reductions (CSR).

The BBBA would set the income disregard threshold at 150% of FPL for a person who receives unemployment compensation in 2022. But the effect would be the same, as applicants at that income are eligible for $0 benchmark plans and full CSR. As noted above, there’s also a year-round enrollment opportunity for people whose income doesn’t exceed 150% of the poverty level (that’s available in all states that use HealthCare.gov; state-run marketplaces can choose whether or not to offer it).

As is the case under the ARP, the unemployment-related subsidies would be available for the whole year if the person receives unemployment compensation for at least one week of the year. But as is also the case under the ARP, the marketplace subsidies would not be available for any month that the person is eligible for Medicare or an employer-sponsored plan that’s considered affordable and provides minimum value.

Law would close Medicaid coverage gap for 2022-2025

In 11 states that have refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, there’s a coverage gap for people whose income is under the poverty level. As of 2019, there were more than 2.2 million people caught in this coverage gap (mostly in Texas, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina). They are ineligible for Medicaid and also ineligible for premium subsidies in the marketplace.

The BBBA would close the coverage gap for 2022 through 2025. The current rules (which only allow marketplace premium subsidies if an applicant’s income is at least 100% of the poverty level) would be changed to allow premium subsidies regardless of how low a person’s income is.

This would be applicable nationwide, but subsidies would continue to be unavailable if a person is eligible for Medicaid. So in most states, subsidies would continue to be available only for applicants with income above 138% of the poverty level, as Medicaid is available below that level in the 38 states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA.

In 2022, people who would otherwise be in the coverage gap would be eligible for $0 benchmark plans and full cost-sharing reductions (CSR). In 2023 through 2025, they would continue to be eligible for $0 benchmark plans, and their cost-sharing reductions would become more robust. Instead of covering 94% of costs for an average standard population (which is currently the most robust level of CSR), their plans would cover 99% of a standard population’s costs.

The CBO projects that the BBBA’s subsidy enhancements would increase the number of people with subsidized marketplace coverage by about 3.6 million. Many of those individuals would otherwise be in the coverage gap and uninsured.

Nothing would change about Medicaid eligibility or subsidy eligibility in the states that have expanded Medicaid. But the BBBA would provide additional federal funding for Medicaid expansion in those states for 2023 through 2025. Currently, the federal government pays 90% of the cost of Medicaid expansion, and that would grow to 93% for those three years.

Build Back Better Act would improve insulin coverage

The BBBA would require individual and group health plans to cover certain insulins before the deductible is met, starting in 2023. Enrollees would pay no more than $35 for a 30-day supply of insulin (or 25% of the cost of the insulin, if that’s a smaller amount).

This requirement would apply to catastrophic plans as well as metal-level plans. And although HSA-qualified high-deductible health plans are often excluded from new coverage mandates, that would not be the case here. In 2019, the IRS implemented new rules that allow HSA-qualified plans to cover, on a pre-deductible basis, some types of care aimed at controlling chronic conditions; insulin is among them.

Law would reset affordability rules for employer-sponsored coverage

Under ACA rules, a person cannot get premium subsidies in the marketplace if they have access to an employer-sponsored plan that provides minimum value and is considered affordable.

Under current rules, an employer-sponsored plan would be considered affordable in 2022 if the employee’s cost for employee-only coverage isn’t more than 9.61% of the employee’s household income. Under the BBBA, this threshold would be reset to 8.5% of household income for 2022 through 2025.

For some employees, this would make marketplace subsidies newly available. And for others, employers might opt to cover more of their premium costs, making their employer-sponsored coverage more affordable. But some employers might simply stop offering employer-sponsored coverage altogether, despite the fact that they would potentially be subject to the ACA’s employer mandate penalty if they have 50 or more employees (if an employer stops offering coverage, the employees can enroll in a marketplace plan with income-based subsidies).

It’s important to note that the BBBA would not address the family glitch. So the family members of employees who have an offer of affordable self-only coverage would continue to be ineligible for marketplace subsidies if they have access to the employer-sponsored plan, regardless of the cost. But prominent health law scholars have opined that the Biden administration could fix the family glitch administratively, without legislation. There is some cause to hope that the administration may do so.

BBA would make changes to MAGI calculation

The ACA has its own definition of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), used to determine eligibility for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions (a very similar version of MAGI is used to determine eligibility for CHIP, Medicaid expansion, and Medicaid for children and pregnant women).

The BBBA would make a couple of changes to the way MAGI is calculated when a tax dependent has income or the household receives a lump sum payment from Social Security:

  • Through 2026, the first $3,500 in income earned by dependents would not have to be added to the family’s household income.
  • From 2022 onward, lump sum Social Security payments attributable to prior years would not have to be included in a person’s MAGI. The median processing time for a Social Security disability appeal is well over a year, so it’s common for people to wait a long time and then suddenly receive several months of Social Security payments all at one time. This can sometimes result in them having to repay premium tax credits for the year in which they receive the lump sum. The BBBA would prevent that in future years.

What does this mean for the current open enrollment period?

Given that the legislation is still up in the air, here’s what you need to keep in mind when enrolling in coverage for 2022:

General subsidies

  • There is no set income cap for marketplace subsidies in 2022. That provision is already in place, and doesn’t depend on the BBBA. (Your eligibility for a subsidy does depend on your income, but that eligibility now extends above 400% of the poverty level in most places, depending on your age.)
  • The more robust subsidy structure that the ARP introduced this year will continue to be in effect in 2022, regardless of whether the BBBA is enacted.
  • Subsidies are much larger and more widely available than they were last fall. And most of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements were already slated to continue through 2022. This means most enrollees can sign up now and rest assured that their 2022 coverage options and subsidy amounts will not change if and when the BBBA is enacted.

Unemployment-related subsidies

  • If you received unemployment compensation in 2021 and got the ARP’s unemployment-related subsidies, you may find that your after-subsidy premium is currently slated to increase significantly for 2022, due to the expiration of the unemployment-based subsidies.
  • If you’re still going to be receiving unemployment compensation after the start of 2022, you might end up qualifying for another round of robust subsidies in 2022. But that will depend on the BBBA. For the time being, the application will just ask for your projected income, which will need to include the total amount that you expect to earn in 2022. That might result in a substantial subsidy or not, depending on your household’s specific details.
  • The fact that open enrollment continues through at least January 15 in most states can be used to your advantage. For now, you can enroll in the plan that best fits your budget based on the existing subsidy rules for 2022. (In some states, you still have time to sign up for coverage that starts January 1, although most states are now enrolling people in plans with February effective dates.) If the BBBA is enacted in early January, you would then have a chance to pick a different plan prior to the end of the open enrollment period. It would have a February effective date (or March, depending on the state) and your out-of-pocket costs would reset to $0 on the new plan. But for some people, this will be the opportunity to upgrade from a Bronze plan to a Silver plan, so it’s worth considering as an option if you know that you’ll still be receiving unemployment compensation after the start of 2022.
  • If the BBBA isn’t enacted by mid-January, you should still keep an eye on this. A different version of the bill, or smaller piecemeal versions, might be enacted later in 2022. If that happens and unemployment-based subsidies are included in the final legislation, you might become eligible for new subsidies at that point. That may or may not come with a special enrollment period to allow people receiving unemployment compensation to switch plans. For now, it’s all up in the air, but the situation could change in 2022.

Learn how you might avoid the coverage gap

If you have a low income, are in a state that hasn’t expanded Medicaid, and the marketplace is showing that you’re not eligible for any premium tax credits, you’ll want to read this article about ways to avoid the coverage gap.

Assuming you can’t get out of the coverage gap for the time being, you’ll want to keep a close eye on the BBBA. If it’s enacted with the same coverage gap provisions that the House approved, you may be eligible for full premium tax credits as of early 2022. And you’d have a chance to enroll in coverage at that point.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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How the Build Back Better legislation might affect your coverage

Just before Thanksgiving, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act (HR5376) and sent it to the Senate. The version that the House approved was scaled down from the initial proposal, but it’s still a robust bill that would create jobs, protect the environment, help families meet their needs, and improve access to health care.

Lawmakers had initially hoped that the bill would be enacted before Christmas. But the situation has changed in December, with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin stating recently that he will not vote for the current Build Back Better legislation. The situation is still in flux, and it’s noteworthy that the nation’s largest coal miners union has asked Manchin to reconsider his position.

For the time being, we don’t know what might come of this. Manchin might reconsider, or the legislation might be changed to support his earlier requests, or it might be scrapped altogether and replaced with various piecemeal bills.

But for now, we wanted to explain how the House’s version of the Build Back Better Act would affect your health insurance in 2022 and future years. We’ll also clarify what you can already count on in 2022, even without the Build Back Better Act. And how should you handle the current open enrollment period, given that the legislation is still up in the air?

Let’s start with a summary of how the House’s version of the BBBA would affect people who buy their own health insurance (keeping in mind that we don’t know whether the Senate will pass any version of the BBBA, and if they do, what changes might be incorporated):

Law would extend larger and more widely available subsidies

The enhanced premium tax credit (subsidy) structure created by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) would remain in place through 2025, instead of ending after 2022. This would mean:

  • There would continue to be no “subsidy cliff” through 2025. Subsidies would be available to households earning more than 400% of the poverty level, as long as the cost of the benchmark plan would otherwise be more than 8.5% of household income.
  • Subsidies would continue to be larger than they were prior to the ARP. People with household income up to 150% of the poverty level would be able to enroll in the benchmark plan at no cost. And people with income above that level would continue to pay a smaller percentage of their income for the benchmark plan, relative to what they had to pay pre-ARP.

These enhanced subsidies have made coverage much more affordable in 2021, and the BBBA would extend them for another three years.

It’s also important to note that HHS finalized a new rule this year that allows year-round enrollment via HealthCare.gov for people whose income doesn’t exceed 150% of the poverty level. This rule remains in place for as long as people at that income level are eligible for $0 premium benchmark plans. Under the ARP, that would just be through 2022. But the BBBA would extend the availability of this special enrollment opportunity through 2025.

BBBA would include one-year extension of unemployment-related subsidies

The ARP’s subsidies related to unemployment compensation would be available in 2022, instead of ending after this year. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that about a million people will receive these enhanced subsidies, and that about half of them would otherwise be uninsured in 2022.

Under the ARP, if a person receives unemployment compensation at any point in 2021, any income above 133% of the poverty level is disregarded when they apply for a marketplace plan. That means they’re eligible for a $0 benchmark plan and full cost-sharing reductions (CSR).

The BBBA would set the income disregard threshold at 150% of FPL for a person who receives unemployment compensation in 2022. But the effect would be the same, as applicants at that income are eligible for $0 benchmark plans and full CSR. As noted above, there’s also a year-round enrollment opportunity for people whose income doesn’t exceed 150% of the poverty level (that’s available in all states that use HealthCare.gov; state-run marketplaces can choose whether or not to offer it).

As is the case under the ARP, the unemployment-related subsidies would be available for the whole year if the person receives unemployment compensation for at least one week of the year. But as is also the case under the ARP, the marketplace subsidies would not be available for any month that the person is eligible for Medicare or an employer-sponsored plan that’s considered affordable and provides minimum value.

Law would close Medicaid coverage gap for 2022-2025

In 11 states that have refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, there’s a coverage gap for people whose income is under the poverty level. As of 2019, there were more than 2.2 million people caught in this coverage gap (mostly in Texas, Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina). They are ineligible for Medicaid and also ineligible for premium subsidies in the marketplace.

The BBBA would close the coverage gap for 2022 through 2025. The current rules (which only allow marketplace premium subsidies if an applicant’s income is at least 100% of the poverty level) would be changed to allow premium subsidies regardless of how low a person’s income is.

This would be applicable nationwide, but subsidies would continue to be unavailable if a person is eligible for Medicaid. So in most states, subsidies would continue to be available only for applicants with income above 138% of the poverty level, as Medicaid is available below that level in the 38 states that have expanded Medicaid under the ACA.

In 2022, people who would otherwise be in the coverage gap would be eligible for $0 benchmark plans and full cost-sharing reductions (CSR). In 2023 through 2025, they would continue to be eligible for $0 benchmark plans, and their cost-sharing reductions would become more robust. Instead of covering 94% of costs for an average standard population (which is currently the most robust level of CSR), their plans would cover 99% of a standard population’s costs.

The CBO projects that the BBBA’s subsidy enhancements would increase the number of people with subsidized marketplace coverage by about 3.6 million. Many of those individuals would otherwise be in the coverage gap and uninsured.

Nothing would change about Medicaid eligibility or subsidy eligibility in the states that have expanded Medicaid. But the BBBA would provide additional federal funding for Medicaid expansion in those states for 2023 through 2025. Currently, the federal government pays 90% of the cost of Medicaid expansion, and that would grow to 93% for those three years.

Build Back Better Act would improve insulin coverage

The BBBA would require individual and group health plans to cover certain insulins before the deductible is met, starting in 2023. Enrollees would pay no more than $35 for a 30-day supply of insulin (or 25% of the cost of the insulin, if that’s a smaller amount).

This requirement would apply to catastrophic plans as well as metal-level plans. And although HSA-qualified high-deductible health plans are often excluded from new coverage mandates, that would not be the case here. In 2019, the IRS implemented new rules that allow HSA-qualified plans to cover, on a pre-deductible basis, some types of care aimed at controlling chronic conditions; insulin is among them.

Law would reset affordability rules for employer-sponsored coverage

Under ACA rules, a person cannot get premium subsidies in the marketplace if they have access to an employer-sponsored plan that provides minimum value and is considered affordable.

Under current rules, an employer-sponsored plan would be considered affordable in 2022 if the employee’s cost for employee-only coverage isn’t more than 9.61% of the employee’s household income. Under the BBBA, this threshold would be reset to 8.5% of household income for 2022 through 2025.

For some employees, this would make marketplace subsidies newly available. And for others, employers might opt to cover more of their premium costs, making their employer-sponsored coverage more affordable. But some employers might simply stop offering employer-sponsored coverage altogether, despite the fact that they would potentially be subject to the ACA’s employer mandate penalty if they have 50 or more employees (if an employer stops offering coverage, the employees can enroll in a marketplace plan with income-based subsidies).

It’s important to note that the BBBA would not address the family glitch. So the family members of employees who have an offer of affordable self-only coverage would continue to be ineligible for marketplace subsidies if they have access to the employer-sponsored plan, regardless of the cost. But prominent health law scholars have opined that the Biden administration could fix the family glitch administratively, without legislation. There is some cause to hope that the administration may do so.

BBA would make changes to MAGI calculation

The ACA has its own definition of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), used to determine eligibility for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions (a very similar version of MAGI is used to determine eligibility for CHIP, Medicaid expansion, and Medicaid for children and pregnant women).

The BBBA would make a couple of changes to the way MAGI is calculated when a tax dependent has income or the household receives a lump sum payment from Social Security:

  • Through 2026, the first $3,500 in income earned by dependents would not have to be added to the family’s household income.
  • From 2022 onward, lump sum Social Security payments attributable to prior years would not have to be included in a person’s MAGI. The median processing time for a Social Security disability appeal is well over a year, so it’s common for people to wait a long time and then suddenly receive several months of Social Security payments all at one time. This can sometimes result in them having to repay premium tax credits for the year in which they receive the lump sum. The BBBA would prevent that in future years.

What does this mean for the current open enrollment period?

Given that the legislation is still up in the air, here’s what you need to keep in mind when enrolling in coverage for 2022:

General subsidies

  • There is no set income cap for marketplace subsidies in 2022. That provision is already in place, and doesn’t depend on the BBBA. (Your eligibility for a subsidy does depend on your income, but that eligibility now extends above 400% of the poverty level in most places, depending on your age.)
  • The more robust subsidy structure that the ARP introduced this year will continue to be in effect in 2022, regardless of whether the BBBA is enacted.
  • Subsidies are much larger and more widely available than they were last fall. And most of the ARP’s subsidy enhancements were already slated to continue through 2022. This means most enrollees can sign up now and rest assured that their 2022 coverage options and subsidy amounts will not change if and when the BBBA is enacted.

Unemployment-related subsidies

  • If you received unemployment compensation in 2021 and got the ARP’s unemployment-related subsidies, you may find that your after-subsidy premium is currently slated to increase significantly for 2022, due to the expiration of the unemployment-based subsidies.
  • If you’re still going to be receiving unemployment compensation after the start of 2022, you might end up qualifying for another round of robust subsidies in 2022. But that will depend on the BBBA. For the time being, the application will just ask for your projected income, which will need to include the total amount that you expect to earn in 2022. That might result in a substantial subsidy or not, depending on your household’s specific details.
  • The fact that open enrollment continues through at least January 15 in most states can be used to your advantage. For now, you can enroll in the plan that best fits your budget based on the existing subsidy rules for 2022. (In some states, you still have time to sign up for coverage that starts January 1, although most states are now enrolling people in plans with February effective dates.) If the BBBA is enacted in early January, you would then have a chance to pick a different plan prior to the end of the open enrollment period. It would have a February effective date (or March, depending on the state) and your out-of-pocket costs would reset to $0 on the new plan. But for some people, this will be the opportunity to upgrade from a Bronze plan to a Silver plan, so it’s worth considering as an option if you know that you’ll still be receiving unemployment compensation after the start of 2022.
  • If the BBBA isn’t enacted by mid-January, you should still keep an eye on this. A different version of the bill, or smaller piecemeal versions, might be enacted later in 2022. If that happens and unemployment-based subsidies are included in the final legislation, you might become eligible for new subsidies at that point. That may or may not come with a special enrollment period to allow people receiving unemployment compensation to switch plans. For now, it’s all up in the air, but the situation could change in 2022.

Learn how you might avoid the coverage gap

If you have a low income, are in a state that hasn’t expanded Medicaid, and the marketplace is showing that you’re not eligible for any premium tax credits, you’ll want to read this article about ways to avoid the coverage gap.

Assuming you can’t get out of the coverage gap for the time being, you’ll want to keep a close eye on the BBBA. If it’s enacted with the same coverage gap provisions that the House approved, you may be eligible for full premium tax credits as of early 2022. And you’d have a chance to enroll in coverage at that point.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.

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Why your ACA premium might be going up for 2022

As has been the case for the last few years, average individual and family health insurance rate changes for 2022 are mostly modest. The nationwide average increase is about 3.5%, and there are new insurers joining the marketplaces in the majority of the states.

That all sounds like great news, but the reality is a bit more complex. The modest average rate changes apply to full-price plans, but most marketplace enrollees do not pay full price. And although new insurers bring added competition, their entry could also mean a sharp reduction in premium subsidy amounts, depending on how the new insurer prices its plans.

So despite the headlines about small average rate changes, the rate change for your specific plan might be nowhere near that average. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to swallow a large increase.

What affects fluctuations in what you pay for insurance premiums?

The annual premium changes that grab headlines and that factor into state and federal averages are for full-price premiums. But very few marketplace/exchange enrollees pay full price. Most receive premium tax credits (subsidies), which means that their rate changes will also depend on how much their subsidy amount fluctuates from one year to the next.

ACA tax credits are set so that the enrollee pays a fixed percentage of income for the benchmark plan – the second-cheapest Silver plan in their area. When the unsubsidized benchmark plan premium changes from year-to-year, so does the size of the tax credit. If a discount insurer enters the market, your tax credit may shrink. That doesn’t matter if you choose the benchmark plan, but it may make other plans more expensive.

The averages also lump each insurer’s plans together, so although an insurer might have an average rate change of 5%, it could have a range of -10% to +20% across all of its plans.

And average rate changes also don’t account for the fact that rates increase with age. Even if your health plan has no annual rate changes at all for any of its plans, your pre-subsidy price will still be higher in the coming year simply because you’re a year older (if you receive subsidies, the subsidies will increase to keep pace with the age-related premium increases).

Anatomy of a drastic increase in premium payment

Let’s consider Monique, who is 36 years old, lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, and has an annual income of $35,000. This year, she’s enrolled in a Silver EPO plan from Medica (Medica with CHI Health Silver Copay) that has a $4,800 deductible, $45 copays for primary care visits, and an $8,150 cap on out-of-pocket costs. She pays no monthly premiums at all, because the full-price cost of the plan in 2021 is $504/month (based on her being 35 when she enrolled in that plan), and she’s eligible for a subsidy of $513/month.

Full-price premiums in Nebraska are increasing by more than the national average for 2022, with an average increase of a little less than 9%. But imagine Monique’s surprise when her renewal notice showed that her after-subsidy premium would be going from $0/month in 2021 to $226/month in 2022.

Why is her premium going up so much, when average full-price rate increases in Nebraska are in the single-digit range?

New health plan options can affect benchmark plans – and your subsidies

Nebraska is a good example of a place where there’s a lot more competition in 2022. Oscar and Ambetter have both joined the marketplace statewide, and the number of available plans has more than quadrupled. When Monique was shopping for plans last fall, she had a total of 22 options from which to choose. For 2022, however, she can pick from among 95 different plans.

In 2021, the benchmark plan (second-lowest-cost Silver plan) was offered by Medica and had a pre-subsidy price tag of $657/month. But for 2022, Ambetter offers the lowest-cost Silver plans in Lincoln, so they have taken over the benchmark spot. And the second-lowest-cost Silver plan for a 36-year-old now has a pre-subsidy premium of just $475.

So in Monique’s case, the cost of the benchmark plan has dropped by $182/month. And since subsidy amounts are based on the cost of the benchmark plan, Monique’s subsidy is also much smaller for 2022 – it doesn’t need to be as large in order to keep the cost of the benchmark plan at the level that’s considered affordable.

In addition, Medica has raised the base price of Monique’s plan from $504/month in 2021 to $560/month in 2022. That’s partially due to Monique’s increasing age, and partially due to the 10% overall average rate increase that Medica imposed for 2022.

The perfect storm for a large net rate increase?

That’s a perfect storm for a large net rate increase: The benchmark premium has dropped by $182/month while her health plan’s rate has increased by $56/month.

In 2021, Medica offered both the lowest-cost and second-lowest-cost Silver plan in Lincoln, and there was a significant difference in price between the two plans ($504/month for the lowest-cost, versus $657/month for the second-lowest-cost). Monique’s plan was the lowest-cost Silver option, and the large difference in premium between her plan and the benchmark plan explained why she was able to enroll in her plan with no premium at all. all. (A spread that big between the two cheapest Silver plans is unusual and creates a huge discount for the cheapest Silver plan when it happens.)

But that’s no longer the case for 2022. Ambetter has the four lowest-cost Silver plans in the area, and there’s only a $17 difference in price across all four of them. The two lowest-cost Silver plans are actually priced at exactly the same amount. As a result, the cheapest Silver plan that Monique can get for 2022 is going to be $141/month.

The two plans at that price both have lower out-of-pocket costs than her current plan. (They’re capped at $6,450 and $6,100, versus $8,550, which is the new out-of-pocket limit that her existing plan will have in 2022.) But non-preventive office visits are only covered after the deductible is met, whereas her current plan has copays for office visits right from the start. (Certain preventive care is covered in full on all plans, without a need to pay any deductible or copays.)

You may not be stuck with that higher 2022 premium.

The good news for Monique is that she’s not stuck with her new $226/month premium. There are 15 Silver plans that are less expensive than that for 2022, and there are also 43 Bronze plans that are less expensive, including several that are under $50/month. Bronze plans do tend to have fairly high out-of-pocket costs. But Monique can select from among three Bronze plans offered by Bright Health that include pre-deductible coverage for things like primary care visits, outpatient mental health care, and urgent care visits, with monthly premiums that range from $18 to $42.

Although those Bright Health Plans do have deductibles that are higher than her current Medica plan, she might find that she comes out ahead on out-of-pocket costs due to the more robust pre-deductible coverage that they provide. And that might be especially true when she factors in the premium savings: A plan that costs $18/month will save her more than $200/month in premiums, compared with renewing her current plan.

The takeaway point here is to not panic if your plan’s premium is increasing by a lot more than you might have expected. Even if your rate is increasing significantly, you might find that there are other options available that will be a better fit for your budget.

The fact that there are more plans available in most areas of the country for 2022 can be a plus or a minus, depending on the circumstances. In Monique’s case, a new plan has taken over the benchmark spot and reduced her subsidy amount. But there are also dozens of other new plans in her area, many of which might be a perfect fit for her medical needs.

How to find solid replacement coverage with a lower net premium

In order to pick a plan, Monique will need to consider the whole picture, including total premium costs, expected out-of-pocket medical costs, and provider networks. If she takes any medications, she’ll need to compare the various plan options to see whether her drugs are covered and how much she can expect to pay at the pharmacy.

Although this article focuses on plans available in Lincoln, Nebraska, people in other parts of the country can be facing varying degrees of surprising net rate increases, even when overall full-price rate changes in their area are fairly modest.

In states that use HealthCare.gov, the average enrollee can select from among almost 108 plans for 2022, up from just 61 in 2021. Even if the benchmark plan in your area has remained unchanged, the influx of new plans might mean that there’s a better option available for you in 2022, and now’s your chance to switch your coverage. It’s never in your best interest to just let your plan auto-renew without considering the other options, and that’s especially true when there are so many new plans available.

In every community, there are brokers and Navigators who can help you understand what’s happening with your current plan, and consider whether a plan change might be in your best interest. For more information about selecting a plan during open – and open enrollment deadlines in your state – read our 2022 Guide to ACA Open Enrollment.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org. Her state health exchange updates are regularly cited by media who cover health reform and by other health insurance experts.


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